What to Expect

Rolfing Structural Integration relies upon continual visual assessment supported by palpation. In order to maximize my visual and tactile access yet protect the client’s privacy, clients remain in their underwear through each session. This means underwear for men and underwear and bra for women (please no sports bras, cross straps or high backs). No lotions or creams are used in the work, so re-robing is not an issue.

Each session of Rolfing® begins with an assessment of the client’s individual structure seen from all sides. Sometimes, clients are asked to move in specific ways and specific areas may be palpated. Most of the work is then accomplished with the client lying on a massage table, sitting on a bench, or standing and moving in directed ways while I work with my hands and elbows to address specific areas of the body. The client’s sensations can vary greatly from pleasure to burning, but should not require bracing or tightening anywhere in order to be received.


Basic Series

Rolfing is designed to address the whole person and bring about a cumulative and lasting structural transformation. This is accomplished through a series of sessions, usually ten, that progressively brings the major segments of the body into an integrated whole. Insofar as each session builds upon the previous and anticipates the next, the process is really a sequence. As the work proceeds, good structure is restored and each client’s individual issues and needs are also addressed.

Length and Frequency of Sessions

Each session lasts approximately 75 minutes and will often include education on movement and posture that takes the form of “homework” between sessions. Once a series has begun, succeeding sessions should ideally be scheduled in intervals of 1 to 3 weeks.

Continuing Work

Rolfing Structural Integration was created to produce lasting changes in individual structures. Upon completion of the 10 series, many clients—particularly those who lead physically active lives or work in environments with repetitive physical or psychological stressors—choose to return for sessions on an individually-determined basis.