See what clients are saying about their Rolfing experience. 

I have suffered with chronic back and hip pain for years. Nothing helped—not exercise, not acupuncture, not chiropractors—until I met Ray Allen and discovered Rolfing®. After so much discomfort for so long, the relief from pain is extraordinary. Ray is a magician!
— Judy Waranch
Way too much time in an aerodynamic cycling position, and one serious crash, left me in chronic pain. Ray brought an artist’s eye and remarkable patience to assessing and correcting my structural problems. In less than a year of regular Rolfing sessions, my pains (sciatic, sub-scapular, and ulnar) have subsided and I’ve returned to the gym. I’m also very pleased to have avoided the surgeon, who told me I definitely needed surgery.
— Nick Coutros
As a long time devotee of massage therapy for dealing with stress and injury and a committed pilates and yoga practitioner who was sidelined by injury, I was amazed at what Rolfing could do for me. Ray Allen worked with me to change the unbalanced aspects of my posture and effected lasting, functional, somewhat radical changes. I believe I am taller, stronger, more balanced and better able to benefit from my pilates practice. I know my back injury is vastly improved. Thanks, Ray!
— Linda Riach
Rolfing has been a life altering discovery for me. Finally, I have found a solution to my imbalanced, over worked, stressed out body. Deep tissue massage got me close but Rolfing has brought it to a whole new level. My Rolfing sessions with Ray Allen have allowed me to unwind my body, align my posture, and relieve a massive amount of tension. Each session builds on the last allowing me to experience new frontiers in my musculoskeletal systems. Rolfing is the complete body tune up that I had been missing for years without knowing it.
— Andrew Stephenson
I came to Ray with the goal of improving my posture as part of my overall “health & wellness” plan as I approach the second half century of my life. The benefits I’ve received far exceed that goal. Deep pockets of tension and stress have been released that I didn’t fully realize were there.
Could I actually be growing taller? Maybe not, but that’s how it feels
— Tom Mayer
Having only heard about Rolfing since the late seventies, and that it was a painful process, it was scratched off of my list of healthy “to do’s” long ago.
However, in seeing people age around me—hunched over, shoulders clenched, walking with limps, wearing corrective shoes, necks jutting forward, bodies getting shorter—I also saw this in myself. 
“No, I said! I want good posture, shoulders opened, increased range of motion, and reduced stiffness. I want to be in proper alignment.” 
Luckily, I was introduced to Ray Allen by my personal trainer because he knew Ray could help me reach my goals. Rolfing has been a wonderful path for me, exceeding all my expectations with only a few moments of discomfort, but no pain. I’ve realized it all has to do with who is Rolfing you. And Ray is awesome!
His skills are superior, his demeanor is professional, he is kind and encouraging. My sessions are personalized to my needs as well as the overall Rolfing process.  
I owe a boost in self confidence and physical well being from the work I’ve done with Ray. I am filled with gratitude for my treatments with him!
— Janet Carestia
I started Rolfing as a skeptic and quickly became a believer… my experience has been life-changing for both body and soul. There’s no question that Ray Allen has ‘magic hands’.
— Peter Finn
I cannot tell you mentally, emotionally, physically how that session today affected my mood, my walk, my relationship to breathing and speaking (with great ease comparative to before the session).
The measure of which I was affected by the session was qualitatively incredible.
I am confident there is absolutely no substitute for this kind of work. Today was brilliant. The best session and the most accurate to my back issues.
Thank you.
— Kevin Poist
Experiencing chronic pain from an accident, I was both desperate to find any relief yet skeptical that Rolfing® would work for me. Within the first treatment I had a noticeable decrease in pain. To date I no longer use Rolfing® for pain management, but rather because I appreciate how fluid my body feels after a Rolfing® session. The change is felt immediately.
— Catherine Grogan
I started under Ray’s care as a supplement to chiropractic care for chronic low back stiffness. Even though my day job has me tied to a desk, I’m very active (triathlete, practice yoga and Pilates) and have always thought of myself as having good body awareness. But Ray has helped me understand how my body can function much better through improved posture and symmetry. He has an expert understanding of the human body’s biomechanical complexities and dependencies. I now better appreciate how years of desk sitting and poor posture have compounded my chronic aches and pains, in spite regular exercise and stretching. In addition to the rolfing sessions which give new life to my aging muscles, he regularly recommends simple daily adjustments that improve posture and awareness. Overall, I feel uplifted, stronger, and more relaxed.
— Susan Macintosh
I’ve been working with Ray for years, and can’t live without him. Rolfing has become a part of my holistic body maintenance. Not-to-be-missed monthly sessions, along with bi-weekly Chiropractor adjustments have kept me pain free and moving nicely in my body.
Ray truly cares about the well being of everyone he works with.
— Kerry Skarda